Container Apps
Azure Container Apps is a serverless hosting service for containerized applications and microservices.
You can find what is in current pipeline and features comming next in Roadmap.
Find additional Container Apps articles on Technet/TechCommunity - Apps on Azure Blog.
Here is a compilation of resources by categories:
- Troubleshooting DNS connectivity on Azure Container Apps
- Using a Dapr Secret Store with Azure Key Vault to source credentials for a Dapr State Store
- Running gRPC with Container Apps
- Using Managed Identity and Bicep to pull images with Azure Container Apps
- Troubleshooting volume mount issues on Azure Container Apps
- Container Apps: How to capture a network trace using TCPDUMP
- Container Apps: Troubleshooting and configuration with Health Probes
- Installing troubleshooting tools in a Container Apps ‘hello-world’ image
- Container Apps - Using the ‘Command override’ option
- Container Apps - Using multicontainers in a pod
- Container Apps - General troubleshooting with Dapr on Container Apps
- Running self-hosted agent Jobs locally with KEDA for Container Apps
- Graceful termination on Container Apps
- Container Apps - Binding to ports under 1024
- Using a Container App Job as Github Actions Runner for your entire Github Orginization
- Container Apps - Using labels with KEDA and GitHub Action runners
- Container Apps - Referencing env vars through other environment variables
- Troubleshooting general secret issues on Container Apps
- Troubleshooting general KEDA scaling scenarios
- Using Zipkin and OpenTelemetry on Azure Container Apps
- Container Apps - Deployments through UI and CLI
- Checkpoint strategies with Dapr, KEDA, Azure EventHub and Container Apps
- Using additional TCP ports in Azure Container Apps
- Container Apps - Setting storage directory permissions
- Container Apps - View Log Streams without Container Apps Contributor role
Availability and Post Deployment issues
- Troubleshooting ingress issues on Azure Container Apps
- Container Apps and Failed Revisions
- Container App ‘Console’ tab shows ‘ClusterExecEndpointWebSocketConnectionError’
- Container Apps: Troubleshooting image pull errors
- Troubleshooting Container App Jobs when using self-hosted CI/CD runners and agents
- Troubleshooting failed job executions on Container App Jobs
- Container Apps - Troubleshooting ‘ContainerCreateFailure’ and ‘OCI runtime create failed’ issues
- Container Apps - Demystifying restarts
- Container Apps - Backoff restarts and container exits
- Preventing File Locks when mounting storage on Azure Container Apps
- Container Apps - ‘Target port does not match the listening port’
- Container Apps and Bicep deployments
- Using and troubleshooting GitHub Actions with Container Apps
- Using and troubleshooting Azure DevOps with Container Apps
- Deploying Reflex Applications to Azure Container Apps
- Setting up a basic Elasticsearch container on Container Apps
- Deploy Java app using UI and CLI
- Container Apps Pull Image using an Azure Service Principal
- Container Apps: Profiling Node applications for performance issues
- Container Apps: Profiling Python applications for performance issues
- Container Apps: Profiling PHP applications for performance issues
- Container Apps: Profiling Go applications for performance issues
- Container Apps: Profiling Dotnet applications for performance issues
- Container Apps: Profiling Java applications for performance issues